IBM Jazz Engineering Lifecycle Management (ALM)
A platform for requirements engineering, design, planning, development, verification, and validation of the systems and software engineering projects

- Achieve traceability across the lifecycle
- Enable collaboration
- Improve quality and speed to market
- Reuse assets and artifacts by using unique techniques
- Understand the relationships and impact of change
- get compliant with external and internal regulations
Industry Solutions for IBM ELM

Predefined processes, templates, views, and reports with
Hazard and Risk Analysis
Risk Management – ISO 14971
IEC 62304
FDA CFR 21 Part 11

Predefined templates and processes help you with

Aerospace & Defence
Predefined templates and processes help you with
DO 178 B/C
Automated Unit Testing
Hazard Analysis

Predefined templates and processes help you with
IEC 62279
ISO 14971
Electronic Signature
Capabilities of IBM Jazz Platform

Enable real-time communication between Analysts, Engineers, QA Members, Project Managers, DevOps Teams and more via threaded discussions, automated link validity check, notifications, alerts, powerful reports & more

Traceability achieved via Browser-Based Solution. You can extend the solution with Eclipse or Visual Studio and even make UML SysML Model Locally and review them in browser

Reuse of requirements, components, configuration management and global configuration management (GCM) through whole platform

Baselines & Snapshots – Browse, search and report any historical state of your project and compare it with the current state. The IBM Jazz platform provides a full audit trail, electronic signatures and helps you to ensure who can see which data
Manage requirements, work items and tests via customizable workflows that ensure that the work items are edited by the right people at the right time.
Scalability - Rely on the platform which can be deployed for less than 5 people but also several thousand collaborators. You only use what you need
Leverage Out-Of-The-Box Integrations to Extend Functionality via Open APIs like REST, OSLC and other technologies
Leverage Softacus team knowledge & deep IBM technology and industry skills to deploy the platform quickly and with the right process. You can also use our free add-ons and industry templates.
IBM Jazz Platform Components
Main application component installed on the server to provide full traceability
Requirements Management
Requirements Engineering
and Traceability
Engineering DOORS
Next Generation
Model Based Engineering
MBSE for Systems
and Software
Planing & Software Development
Work Items & DevelopmentWork Items & Development
Engineering Workflow Management
Test & Quality Management
Verification, Validation,
Test Management
Requirements Management
Single source of truth for your requirements, specifications and other artifacts, use traceability to access impact of a change and automate compliance
- Database-based requirements in a unique solution can be shown as specifications similar to Word, Excel, and can be edited simultaneously. Collaborate and get notified about changes impacting your artifacts. All artifact is accessible via a link and changes are tracked through history
- Get full control of the requirements by using configurable workflows which protects requirement text or attributes depending on the state
- Collaborate and get the requirements approved via collaborative reviews, via workflows, or decide if you allow delivering changed content based on the change request
- Import Word, Excel, ReqIF and get also beautiful reports out of the platform by using a configurable document builder. For reliable collaboration with external partners, you can use formats like ReqIF or Excel roundtrip
- Take advantage of advanced preconfigured reports, charts, and templates. You can also create your charts with easy to use report builder and add them to your dashboard. Actual but also historical reports are supported
- Use preconfigured templates and strong controls like change requests, changesets, electronic signatures, and much more to ensure compliance with industry standards. Create specific reports templates to prove the compliance and pass audit quickly
- Link with work items (tasks, change requests, bugs) test cases, test steps, and with design elements (SysML UML) within seconds or automatically via collections and views
Planning and Execution
Tradition, Agile, Hybrid development techniques? IBM Jazz Platform can support all of them
- Get full control of work items with configurable screens, workflows, electronic signatures, and compliance rules
- You can use agile, traditional SAFe, or hybrid process to adapt completely to your needs
- Allow project managers, developers, to work in their favorite environment (browser, IDE..) to get the highest productivity
- Connect to DevOps tool Like UrbanCode Deploy, UrbanCode Release, Git, Jenkins, Subversion, and hundreds more with preconfigured APIs and integration
- Time estimations for agile and waterfall methodology with stories, points, or based on hours and days allow you to work the way you want to. Over 500 Predefined reports show you progress, capacity, velocity and you can customize it to your needs
- Utilize "Quick Planner" designed to provide an intuitive task-based UI for rapid creation, review, and planning for work
- Compare project plans and the execution by using snapshots and review the history of the tasks easily
- Use cross-project planning and get automatically notified if a resource cannot perform the work within the defined time due to allocation to different projects
- Allow planning on several levels from business needs to architecture up to individual tasks
- Get work and code reviews automatically included in your process. Allow a high level of collaboration between all departments
- Link your tasks, stories, change requests, bugs, and more with specific requirements in specification, UML Model, test case, or even test execution record manually or automatically
Design Management, MBSE and Code Generation
Support your modeling and design activities that allow you to manage the complexity around product and system development
- Rapidly move from design to implementation. The prototype, simulate, and execute designs for early validation
- Automate design reviews and generate documentation
- Work in an embedded, real-time agile engineering environment. Generate reliable code like Java, C, C++
- Establish state-of-the-art linking between model elements in Rhapsody and requirements management artifacts in IBM Engineering DOORS® or Engineering DOORS NG, but also to work items and tests
- Utilize enterprise Configuration Management capabilities to get support for fine-grained components. Leverage parallel development with merge capabilities for Rhapsody models
- Utilize collaborative design, development, and test environment for systems engineers and software engineers that supports UML, SysML, and AUTOSAR. Take advantage of reconfigured frameworks (DoDAF, MODAF, and UPDM) and comply with standards such as DO-178, ISO 26262
- Analyze and elaborate project requirements. Take advantage of UML and SysML Modeling
Risks, Gaps and Hazard Analysis
Get full control of your risks and mitigate them. Plan and assign tasks to mitigate them
IBM Jazz integrated risk management functionality with Softacus AddOns allows you to conduct all the steps of a comprehensive risk management lifecycle:
- Risk Identification, analysis, control, and closure
- Classification and Assessment
- Hazard Analysis
- Compliance based Risk Reduction Plan
- Risk Mitigation Actions
- Documentation and Reporting
- Measure the quality over time to see how certain measures improved the quality of the products based on several issues, defects...
- Identify all possible failures, risks, harms, and hazards in order to plan and assign tasks to mitigate the potential risk
- Risk templates for work items and requirements provide you with capabilities to manage potential risks, following the standard Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) approach. You can automatically see the risk size, affected requirements, mitigation actions, and risk levels after the mitigation
- Implement the risk-based approach to development and test to get the most possible amount of work done with most of the risks covered
- Track problems, issues, and risks automatically. Find all relevant product variants where these issues are present and evaluate their impact on each product
Build, Release and Deployment Automation
Continuous delivery, compliance and automation at your fingertips
- IBM Jazz includes the Jazz Build Engine and an Ant build toolkit that can publish built information to the Jazz repository. The build toolkit is best suited for Ant builds, but you can also use any scripting technology that can invoke Ant. For example, a team can use Perl, DOS batch files, or Make to create build scripts that interact with Rational Team Concert Build.
- Allow collaboration and process automation between Development and Operations (DevOps) by using IBM professional integration with UrbanCode Deploy & Release
- Get the traceability from work items to the code. Get automatic awareness of which work items are in which build
- Track down issues quickly by enabling audit trails, build health and predefined rules
- Integrate the build with IBM Engineering test management to proof which builds you have tested and also to trigger tests automatically upon successful build

Quality and Test Management
- Support and automate your verification and validation techniques with the professional test management application
- Digitize your processes by leveraging workflows and electronic signatures with strong compliance controls
- Achieve automation without of the box adapters for HP QC, National Instruments, Vtest, Dspace, and many more... Adapt also any other tool via command line adapter
- Allow manual test execution with predefined steps for test cases and test suites in the browser and also offline. You can also document test results in Excel and import them back to the Jazz Platform
- Take advantage of parameterized testing by using variables, test data and by using keywords, high level of reuse and automated test case generation & requirements based testing
- Create and link defect automatically during the test case execution and get notified automatically when the defect is fixed
- Test Automation triggered based on a build? No problem
- Pass parameters from test to test and combine different test techniques to ensure a high level of quality
Reporting via Jazz Reporting Services

The IBM Platform provides out of the box several thousand reports which you can add to your personal, team or project dashboard.

For advanced needs you can create your report in WYSIWYG similar application called IBM® Jazz Reporting Service which provides very simple yet powerful reporting capabilities.

Ready-to-use reports that you can use to share information about your lifecycle management projects or you can create new reports. You can also export the report data to Microsoft Excel or integrate the reports with your dashboards

Ready-to-use reports that you can use to share information about your lifecycle management projects or you can create new reports. You can also export the report data to Microsoft Excel or integrate the reports with your dashboards
Engineering Lifecycle Optimization to support Digital Twin
Visualize dependencies, analyze the impact of change and gain insight from engineering lifecycle data.
Engineering teams can improve their understanding of relationships in lifecycle data and make more effective and timely decisions. IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization unlocks your engineering data from various lifecycle tools and helps your organization maintain and demonstrate compliance with regulatory and industry standards.
Extensibility, Connectors and Addons
IBM Jazz Platform is built on an open architecture called OSLC.
This architecture has been later given to the open-source community and is being fully extended by many vendors now to provide traceability across the domains.
The Platform has open APIs and you can extend it in many ways which are documented.

Comparing Rational