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Displaying items by tag: webinar

Jan Adrian Links in DNG Part 2 

Due to the high interest in our previous webinar on Linking in IBM DNG, we are excited to announce a second session on July 23rd at 3:30 pm CET. Don't miss this opportunity!

During the session, we will continue our discussion on any topics related to links in IBM DOORS Next, such as:

  • Types of Links in DNG
  • Widgets
  • Link Reporting
  • Link terms and link sharing
  • Hyperlinks 
  • Link constraints and more

If you would like to master your link management skills and streamline your workflow in IBM DNG, but you missed the live session, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be happy to send you the recording.


Jan Adrian Links in DNG July 2024

In the world of IBM DOORS Next, links are more than just connections—they're the backbone of effective requirements management

These links enable traceability, ensuring every requirement is tracked throughout the lifecycle, from conception to delivery. By linking artifacts, teams can maintain alignment, validate compliance, and streamline their development process. 

Understanding and utilizing these links effectively can make a significant difference in project success, enhancing collaboration and improving overall project visibility. 

Register now for our webinar on July 9th at 3:30 pm CET where we will dive into topics like:

  • Creating Effective Links
  • Linking by LBFA (Link By Frame Attribute)
  • Ensuring Link Validity
  • Advanced Link Filtering Techniques
  • Optimal Link Display Practices
  • Dos and Don'ts of LinkingLinking by View 
  • Utilizing Links in RELM (Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager)
  • Comprehensive Link Reporting
  • Overview of Existing Link Types

If you missed the live session, just reach out to us under This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you the recording.

Kerim 29

At Softacus, we excel in providing migration services from IBM DOORS to IBM DOORS Next Generation, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition for our clients.

Whether you're contemplating migrating from DOORS Classic to DOORS Next or simply seeking to explore the benefits of the latter, our upcoming webinar is for you.

Key topics that will be discussed:

  • Custom link types usage for migrated links - link types can be defined based on source and target object's module path in DOORS Classic or DOORS Next
  • Creation of nested Global Configurations structure based on created during migration DOORS Next streams and baselines
  • Flexible definition of artifact types based either on a dedicated enumeration attribute or conditions built on queries for more attributes
If you missed the live session, just reach out to us under This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you the recording.



IBM Migrator Jan 1

As operations expand and projects grow in complexity, previously implemented information system sooner or later will require migration to a new platform. Although you may have successfully been using IBM DOORS in your engineering projects for a long time, new projects may need requirements management capabilities that are supported by IBM DOORS Next only.

To respond to the demand for sophisticated and advanced requirements management capabilities in current and future projects, DOORS Next was designed with an entirely new leading-edge architecture. Its scalability, support for Global Configuration Management, variants management and reuse are a game changer in reducing cost and time to market.

Now, the foundation for a successful migration process with a low risk for unpleasant surprises requires thorough planning and a good understanding of your current requirements meta structure.

Softacus has developed migration toolkits that help ensure a smooths transition process.

Join Jan Jancar, Solution Director and CEO of Softacus, on 30.05.2024 when he will delve into IBM DOORS and IBM DOORS Next solutions, focusing on:

  • Reasons for migration / motivations behind migration and when is the perfect time to migrate
  • Navigating the migration process: challenges and opportunities
  • Migration targets based on object types (requirements, norms, validation, work items)
  • Specific handling: data cleanup; target model; unsupported DOORS data
  • Project effort estimation
  • Tips and tricks
  • Softacus capabilities to make migration smoother and/or possible
  • Licensing

Watch the session on-demand under this link

Kerim 29.04

Join the second installment of our webinar series on System Architecture with IBM Rhapsody Designer!

Webinar Topic: "Model Sharing and Co-Developing System/SW Architecture with IBM Rhapsody Designer"

Building upon the insights from our previous session, this webinar delves deeper into the intricacies of utilizing IBM Rhapsody Designer for system and software architecture development. We will explore advanced techniques for model decomposition, integration, and management, focusing on enhancing collaboration and efficiency across multidisciplinary teams.

Date: 29.04.2024
Time: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm CET


Designed for beginners in Rhapsody, the webinar will primarily focus on tool usage, covering essential topics such as:

  • How Rhapsody stores information
  • Decomposing models into separate units
  • Tips and tricks for sharing and reusing model units
  • Managing changes and resolving conflicts for co-development
  • Sharing models with Rhapsody Model Manager
  • Linking model elements between different levels of architecture
  • Creating traceability matrices

Reserve your spot now by registering at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwldeqrqDoiEta3JeQDYXK0NG4q1a8reE5k

Adrian March rsz

Join us for our upcoming webinar, featuring Adrian Pitonak and Jan Jancar from Softacus, as they delve into the topic of "IBM DNG Export/Import.

Event Details:

Date: 25th of March 2024

Time: 3:30 pm CET

Location: Zoom

Link for registration: https://zoom.us/j/93121909731?pwd=dXRWb3gxUXhMUFFJdnpLYlNHSTFLdz09

Agenda Highlights:

The primary objective of the presentation is to highlight the diverse array of methods and techniques utilized with our clientele concerning Excel export and import processes.

  • How to create an excel export - different ways and options
  • Excel RoundTrip - how to do it
  • Excel exchange with suppliers and customers
  • Export of data from Publishing Engine to Excel
  • Export to Excel via JRS
  • Tips and tricks for Excel exporting

This event is tailored for professionals and users of Doors Classic and DOORS Next Generation (DNG), whether you hold the title of or have a keen interest in Excel export and import processes.

Apr 25, 2023 from 12:30 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)

IBM Turbonomic Webinar

Want to learn more about IBM Turbonomic hybrid cloud cost optimization features, capabilities, and use cases in a quick, no-pressure setting? Join the Turbonomic Monthly Deminar for an informative 15-minute demo followed by Q&A. We'll over an overview of the Turbonomic platform, walkthrough of the UI, and use cases including cloud cost optimization, cloud migration planning, on-prem virtualization optimization, and more.

  • Get a detailed overview of Turbonomic from a Turbonomic expert
  • Learn how Turbonomic uniquely automates decisions to minimize cloud costs while assuring application performance
  • Ask our expert questions about Turbonomic

Key Speakers

 Svetlana Snegour - Enterprise Sales Engineer, IBM Turbonomic
Register here

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Jan 25, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM (ET)

With emerging technologies in Edge, Digital Twin, Asset Performance Management (APM) and AI/ML, how can your organization justify their business value and make the case for investment?  What are the new measures and KPIs your organization should be tracking to reinforce the justification of these emerging technologies?  

Join us to learn how we can help you make the business case for 21st Century maintenance and reliability.

Tom Woginrich is a Principal Value Consultant in the IBM Sustainability Software division. He is a subject matter expert in Asset Management best practices and has worked with many companies to transform business processes and implement technology improvements. Mr. Woginrich has over 30 years of Asset Management experience leading and working in large enterprises. He has a broad range of industry experience that includes Pulp & Paper, Energy & Utilities, Chemicals & Petroleum, Automotive, Oil & Gas, Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals, Facilities, and Semiconductor Manufacturing.

His working experience and knowledge in operations, field services and maintenance give him a very broad comprehension of the total asset management lifecycle and the value opportunities contained within. It is this background, together with his experience managing and deploying technology, that helps him facilitate the business value case conversation that should accompany technology implementations.




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Jan 18, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (ET)
Gain a consistent and holistic monitoring and tracing solution for your IBM Cloud Pak for Integration estate with IBM Instana. Join us to learn more about how you can achieve greater visibility of your dynamic environment, so you can quickly and efficiently identify and resolve any issue. With IBM Instana, businesses can collect and store traces for 100% of application requests (no sampling or partial traces) while streaming metrics with 1-second granularity.
Key Speakers

Leif Davidsen - Program Director, Product Management, Cloud Pak for Integration

Leif Davidsen is the Product Management Program Director for IBM Cloud Pak for Integration. Leif has worked at IBM's Hursley Lab since 1989, having joined with a degree in Computer Science from the University of London.

Andy Garratt - Technical Product Manager, IBM Cloud Pak for Integration

Andy Garratt is an Offering Manager for IBM’s Cloud Pak for Integration, based in IBM’s Hursley labs in the UK. He has over 25 years’ experience in architecting, designing, buildingand implementing integration solutions for customers around Europe and around the world and loves to meet users, IBMers, partners and customers to find out about all the great things they’re doing with IBM integration products.

Register here


Feb 7, 2023 from 13:00 PM to 14:00 PM (CET)

In diesem Event erfahren Sie wie Instana die Überwachung und Verwaltung von Microservices in Ihrem gesamten Tech-Stack vereinfacht. Wir zeigen Ihnen wie Sie App-Ausfälle, langsame Anwendungen sowie Webseiten minimieren und Probleme beheben – ideal für agile DevOps-Teams.

Machine-Learning generierte Echtzeitanalysen, Visualisierungen und automatische Benachrichtigungen über die Leistung Ihrer Anwendungen und Webseiten helfen Ihnen stets informiert zu bleiben.

Das Fazit von Instana:

• Alles automatisieren – von der Erkennung bis zur Fehlerbehebung

• Modellieren der gesamten Stack-Umgebung und Erkennen von Änderungen in Echtzeit

• Sofortiges Feedback und Lieferung aller relevanten Daten für schnelle und intelligente Maßnahmen

Überwachung von Cloud-nativen Anwendungen in jeder Cloud-Infrastruktur, Testen und Verifizieren von Apps-Rollouts, reibungslose Migration zwischen unterschiedlichen Umgebungen ob Private, Public, Hybrid oder Multi Cloud... oder ganz einfach: IBM Instana Observability.


Dr. Henning Sternkicker ist seit über 20 Jahren innerhalb der IBM als Technical Representative für Themen im Bereich Software-Entwicklungswerkzeuge zuständig. Angefangen bei Software Configuration und Change Management, über Continuous Deployment und DevOps Tools. Seit 2021 beschäftigt er sich speziell mit dem Thema Observability bzw. Application Performance Management und allen Themen rund um das IBM AIOps Portfolio.

Jan Jancar ist Geschäftsführer der Softacus AG. Jan und sein Team bei Softacus sind seit Jahren ein bedeutender Geschäftspartner in den Bereichen Systems Engineering, Jazz Platform und Automation. Jan ist seit vielen Jahren ein vertrauenswürdiger Berater in diesem Bereich und ein Vordenker und Redner zu diesem Thema. Jan hat mit anderen Partnern auf internationaler Ebene zusammengearbeitet, auf IBM-Veranstaltungen gesprochen und sich für die Lösungen von IBM eingesetzt.

Melden Sie sich unter diesem Link an: 

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